Senior Dogs Act Like Old Men

2 min readNov 2, 2020

My senior dog is nearly 12 years old. He often acts like a huge grump around any puppies or foster strays I have here, but honestly, he goes out of his way to snark at them. Many foster care providers stop fostering during their dog’s senior years because many dogs who were social and ready to guide foster dogs around the house get uncomfortable and achy and stressed at the thought of junior and clumsy fools underfoot as well as pet products and honestly, I thought I would be one of them. He does not permit any other dogs to smell his back, stand anyplace between him and the door, or unintentionally touch up against him while playing the “fun uncle”. I have long anticipated the day when I would start saying no to cherishing, to give him the space he deserves.

In the space of a week, I have observed and discovered some very amazing things:

  • Also seriously injured puppies bounce back quickly when fed properly and given pain medicine.
  • Puppies who are about 12 weeks old have Very sharp teeth.
  • He seems to actually enjoy being bossy and laying down the law. Several times this week, I have seen him get up from a comfortable dog bed, just to hover near the puppy, seemingly to have the opportunity to make ugly faces and his big scary noise at the puppy.
  • After the third time of being weird hauls at and not dying, puppies seem to learn that the old dog is harmless and can be ignored.
  • When the puppy gets particularly bitey and is aimed in his direction, Woody often inserts himself between his boss and his minion (the puppy). He doesn’t get aggressive or protective, he still drops his posture and wiggles and grovels to him like a little puppy himself but he unmistakably puts himself between the puppy and him.
  • The thing about having a puppy here that seems to be stressful for him? When I work with the puppy to teach him something. He can’t stand to hear the ideas for “Sit” or “Down,” or to hear “Gooood boy!” addressed to someone else. He will come running from the far side of the property to insert himself into any training session that happens, so he can sit and down on cue, panting and wide-eyed and watching the treat bag to make sure he gets his share.

